Synopsis of challenger sale
Synopsis of challenger sale

While all 5 profiles had average performers, the Challenger profile was adopted by the most star performers: 40% of star performers fit this profile, and more than 50% of star performers fit this profile for complex sales.

synopsis of challenger sale

Of these 5 profiles, there was 1 clear winner and 1 clear loser.Every sales person falls into 1 of 5 distinct sales profiles: the Relationship Builder, the Hard Worker, the Problem Solver, the Lone Wolf or the Challenger.

synopsis of challenger sale

After analyzing data on some 6,000 sales reps from various fields/industries globally, they made 3 surprising discoveries. SEC surveyed frontline managers from 90 companies to identify the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors for average vs star performers. The Challenger Sale Model Key Research Findings For more details, examples and tips, do get our complete book summary bundle in text, infographic and audio formats. In The Challenger Sale summary, we’ll outline the Challenger Selling Model and how to implement it in your organization. This playbook by Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson explains the new approach-The Challenger Sale-which could revolutionize B2B selling in the coming decades. The study led to the surprising discovery that the best way to drive B2B sales isn’t to build relationships it’s to challenge customers. The Sales Executive Council (SEC) launched an extensive research to identify what these sales reps did differently.

synopsis of challenger sale

Yet, a small group of salespeople continued to deliver results which would’ve been amazing even during a booming economy. In the midst of the 2009 economic crisis, sales had bottomed out in most sectors.

Synopsis of challenger sale